We’re here to help.

A non-profit devoted to financially assisting families and teachers living and working in the Napa Valley to help pay for childcare

It Takes a Valley, a California 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Foundation, Tax ID: 88-3479101


There were 3,666 children under the age of two in the Napa Valley in 2021 and 3,921 children between 2 and 5. The actual number of children under the age of five enrolled in early childhood educator is much lower due to the extremely high cost of childcare. Instead, mothers and family members are unable to return to the workforce when faced with the financial decision of paying for childcare or returning to work for little to no profit margin.

Teaching our children is truly a labor of love.

The U.S. National Average for the salary of an early childhood educator was $14/hr in 2019, with larger centers requiring an Associate’s Degree.

The minimum salary for Target employees with no education requirements in 2020 was $15/hr.

The National Education Association’s studies confirm that early childhood education lowers rates of teen pregnancy, reduces juvenile delinquency, heightens scores on standardized tests, less grade repetition and higher wages in adulthood.

Early childhood education also acts as a detection tool for onset anxiety, learning challenges, or problems at home such as abuse or neglect that can be met with preventative measures by their teachers and community programs.

It will take a Valley to support the Village.

There have been great legislative attemps to fix this issue, but we cannot wait on grand sweeping gestures from the goverment any longer.

We are asking you personally- have you ever loved a teacher or a mother? And what can you do to say thank you back?

We need to support our local economy by allowing parents to return to work and allow our economy to grow and THRIVE by gifting love, grace, and a little financial assistance.

It’s time we come together

For the love of mothers, teachers, and children, it’s time we start working together to make the changes we all so desperately need.

This is a non-partisan issue that most people agree on: teachers should be paid more, daycare should cost less, and childcare should be more readily available for citizens. We can no longer pretend in our workplaces that children under the age of five don’t exist.

We can no longer pretend that our nation is following the 1950’s ‘American Dream’ model of working husband, wife at home, 2 kids and a economical mortgage. To besquarely middle class in most cases, you need TWO solid incomes from TWO working parents. Single mothers will never be given the luxury of choice on this issue.

United, we believe that the Napa Valley can become a role model and leader for our nation in the childcare realm, showing the rest of the nation what supporting a community looks like when you start by supporting the youngest citizens of all and the mothers who love them.

Need a little support? Check out what we can do for you.